Why use comics ?
Press cartoons and comic strips have many advantages,
invite them into our professional world !

Collaboration with a horticultural engineer and drawing specialists.
Adaptable to your graphic charter and all your paper and digital media.
Quick reading of additional and contextual information.
Where to use it ?
Your informations
Your supports
Your targets
Cooperatives / Farmers
Research institutes
Chambers of agriculture
Educational institutions
Newsletters / Magazines
Slideshow / Presentations
Scientific papers
Technical days
Reports / Brochures
Agricultural advisors
Your customers
Scientific results
Cultivation techniques
Laws and regulations
Tool and machine manuals
Sharing experiences
They use Agricomics comics

The Greenhouses of Butry

They recommend Agricomics

"Great, you were able to take our changes into account, even at the last minute. It was very easy with all the little files to put online for each social network! "
Elsa BALLINI , lecturer
Elena KAZAKOU, teacher
Master's degree
Agro Institute Montpellier Supagro

"We are very happy with the result, especially for PCR, which is a complex process. We didn't think we would get something so relevant and clear. Immediate satisfaction!"
Marion ERAUD , head of the laboratory and scientific mediation
Gaëlle AUVRAY , scientific mediator manager
The school of DNA, Terre des Sciences

"Very satisfied with the comic which was produced quickly !
The caricatured insects attracted readers and many exchanges took place between children, parents and professionals."
Christopher Jarry, Nurseryman
The Greenhouses of Butry

"Thank you Isabelle and Loïse for your presentation, I think it has given rise to desires and that new initiatives will germinate! Congratulations because communication on the subject of phytosanitary products is often gloomy!"
Sylvie Guiet, Biodiversity study officer and territorial engineer DEPHY FERME
Brittany Chamber of Agriculture