Individual entrepreneur
Loise Triollet
49 160 Longé-Twins
06 30 18 18 74
Website hosting and support for implementation
Individual entrepreneur
Loise Triollet
49 160 Longé-Twins
06 30 18 18 74
Website hosting and support for implementation
Notices relating to the use of personal data
When you provide your personal information (email addresses, surname, first name, address, etc.) to request a quote and conclude a transaction, we assume that you consent to our collecting your information and using it for these purposes. uniquely.
Email marketing: With your permission, we may send you emails about our offers, our site and other updates.
If we ask you to provide us with your personal information for another reason, for example for marketing purposes, we will ask you directly for your express consent, or we will give you the opportunity to refuse.
If you wish to withdraw your personal information, you can send us a request to the email address on this website.
We may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so or if you violate our Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use.
Services provided by third parties
You may be required to leave this website by clicking on certain links on our site. We assume no responsibility for the privacy practices exercised by these other sites and recommend that you read their privacy policies carefully.